📄️ Introduction
Effects can be added to movies and layers to modify their output.
📄️ Base Effect
etro.effect.Base is the base class for all effects. It is not meant to be used directly.
📄️ Brightness Effect
etro.effect.Brightness changes the brightness of the target.
📄️ Channels Effect
etro.effect.Channels multiplies each channel by individual factors.
📄️ ChromaKey Effect
etro.effect.ChromaKey reduces the alpha of pixels that are close to a specified target color.
📄️ Contrast Effect
etro.effect.Contrast changes the contrast of an image by multiplying the RGB channels by a constant.
📄️ EllipticalMask Effect
etro.effect.EllipticalMask preserves an elliptical area of the layer and clears the rest.
📄️ Gaussian Blur Effect
etro.effect.GaussianBlur applies a Gaussian blur to the target.
📄️ Grayscale Effect
etro.effect.Grayscale completely desaturates the target.
📄️ Pixelate Effect
etro.effect.Pixelate merges pixels into larger blocks.
📄️ Shader Effect
etro.effect.Shader is the base class for all effects that render the target with a custom GLSL fragment shader.
📄️ Stack Effect
etro.effect.Stack applies multiple effects to the target.
📄️ Transform Effect
etro.effect.Transform applies a 2D transformation to the target.
📄️ Visual Effect
etro.effect.Visual is the base class for all visual effects. It is not meant to be used directly.